Regalo para mamá: Un reloj que le gustará
Cuando viene el Día Grande
que mamá celebrará
le compro un buen reloj
para que lo pueda usar.
Es un reloj con correa
de acero duradera,
tres agujas que rec...
Doña Letizia de cooperante en Cabo Verde
*Se ha convertido en un clásico ver a doña Letizia con su chaleco rojo de
cooperante.* De vez en cuando, la Reina decide ir por libre y mostrarse en
su s...
Reyes europeos que celebrarán el Día del Padre
Todos los años celebramos el 19 de marzo el Día del Padre al margen de que
sea una celebración comercial. Este invento de marketing nos viene muy bien
Prefiero los bañadores a los bikinis
¿Sabéis? Últimamente he estado pensando en los bañadores. ¡Sí, bañadores!
Siempre se habla tanto de los bikinis, como si fueran la única opción para
Bañera plegable para cuartos de baño pequeños
He aquí una bañera
de poner cuando la quieres
para un baño relajante
y quitar cuando te estorba
o cuando quieres llevarla
de viaje en caravana.
Entra en el...
El Papa Francisco luchando por su vida
La vida es un soplo de aire
que a Francisco se le niega
por su pulmón cansado
pese a la ayuda externa.
Francisco reza y sufre
oyendo los lamentos
de los qu...
It's so cold inside On this summer's night Black clouds in the sky Dancing before my eyes I'm losin' track of time It's the eye of the witch It's the eye of the witch, yeah Thunder bring the rain Penetrate my brain I am no more the same That special night has come again Losin' track of time It's the eye of the witch, yeah The eye, the eye, the eye Another glass of wine To heat the blood of mine And as I look inside The necklace called 'The Eye' I'm goin' back in time It's the eye of the witch It's the eye of the witch, yeah The eye, the eye, the eye
Lucy, you stay here...the tomb is warm Why don't you play with the dolls... The dolls on the wall I am not the guy I used to be, Not since he put me away I left half my brain behind, back in that crazy place Does that mean...that I am insane Does that really mean...that I am to no no Is it true what they say...little girls don't cry Is it true what they say...lucy look at me I am not the guy I used to be, Not since he put me away I left half my brain behind, back in that crazy place Does that mean...that I am insane Does that really mean...that I am to no no Into the night I go, and you can't follow me Into the night I go, and you can't follow me I will be your misery, I'm gonna be your hell I will be your misery, and I wish you well, in hell I'm digging graves, seven deadly tombs I'm digging graves, below that crazy moon I will be your misery, I'm gonna be your hell I will be your misery, and I wish you well, in hell Mckenzie, how could you think I'd forget All graves done...i'm so clever Seven headstones in all...saying "lucy forever" I am not the guy I used to be, Not since he put me away I left half my brain behind, back in that crazy place Does that mean...that I am insane Does that really mean...that I am to no no Into the night I go, and you can't follow me Into the night I go, and you can't follow me I will be your misery, I'm gonna be your hell I will be your misery, and I wish you well, in hell I'm digging graves, seven deadly tombs I'm digging graves, below that crazy moon Into the night I go, and you can't follow me...
Something is not right with me Something is not right with me Something is not right with me How was I supposed to know? Something is not right with me Something is not right with me Something is not right with me Trying not to let it show I tried to call you collect You said you would not accept Your friends are laughing 'Cause nobody uses pay phones Gave me quarters to select Song on the the jukebox that gets People dancing Should have never chose "Girlfriend" Something is not right with me Something is not right with me Something is not right with me How was I supposed to know? Something is not right with me Something is not right with me Something is not right with me I'm trying not to let it show Passions of the people were sleeping late into the evening Reach behind, they could hardly find their spines Passions of the people were sleeping late into the evening Reach behind, they could hardly find their spines Passions of the people were sleeping late into the evening Reach behind, they could hardly find their spines You said you like old cars I bought a beat up brown Dodge it was smoking black And died in your frontyard You follow whose dating who But, but when it comes to you One is pulled a dozen Different ways in the mind Something is not right with me Something is not right with me Something is not right with me How was I supposed to know? Something is not right with me Something is not right with me Something is not right with me I'm trying not to let it show
Tú preparando tan solo un café Con la mirada en el suelo Yo acostumbrándome a hacer el papel De como que nos queremos Claro, más claro que el agua Yo recogiendo la orilla del mar Bajo la alfombra del tiempo Tú descambiando los versos Y la letra de nuestra canción Claro, más claro que el agua Igual que los gatos no ladran No vamos a llorar Vamos a olvidar sin lagrimas Lo sueños que disfrazan la verdad Camino de la buena suerte Vamos a lanzar Las muñecas tristes al desván Y en esta maleta por cerrar Guardaremos nuestra suerte Claro, más claro que el agua Igual que los gatos no ladran Lo que atraviesa la respiración Entre tu boca y la mía El eco de tus zapatos me cuentan Que empieza la despedida Que está más claro que el agua Nos aprendimos la trampa... No vamos a llorar Vamos a olvidar sin lagrimas Lo sueños que disfrazan la verdad Camino de la buena suerte Vamos a lanzar Las muñecas tristes al desván Y en esta maleta por cerrar Guardaremos nuestra suerte Ya, más claro que el agua Que no hablemos más No vamos a llorar... No vamos a llorar Camino de la buena suerte Vamos a lanzar Las muñecas tristes al desván Y en esta maleta por cerrar Guardaremos nuestra suerte -----------------------